locationRundle Wear was established in 1995 by Fabio Wagner and today has extensive experience in both retail sales and wholesale.
The Rundle Wear employees know their business and are part of three gift shops located in Banff, Alberta, one of the most beautiful spots in Canada. Since 2000 Rundle Wear has specialized in providing embroidery and heat transfers for many gift shops around Canada.
Not only retail, we also offer merchandising for businesses large or small. Rundle Wear is in th ebusiness of not only embroidery and heat transfers but also digitizing, vehicle wraps, signage and promotional items.

Rundle Wear
109 Banff Ave.
P.O. Box 2588
Banff, Alberta
T1L1C3 Canada
Toll Free: 1-800-247-4378
Cell: 403-760-9880
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